Nadogradnja dvadesetpetogodišnjeg mira / Building on 25 Years of Peace


Nadogradnja dvadesetpetogodišnjeg mira

Dok Bosna i Hercegovina obilježava 25 godina mira kojeg garantuje Dejtonski mirovni sporazum, vrijeme je ne samo da se osvrnemo na napredak koji je postignut od njegovog potpisivanja, nego da se, što je još važnije, okrenemo budućnosti.


Dejtonski sporazum potvrdio je suverenitet i teritorijalni integritet Bosne i Hercegovine kao države.  Omogućio je uspostavu institucija koje su od fundamentalnog značaja za funkcionalnu državu, poput multietničkih Oružanih snaga BiH, na koje svi građani mogu biti ponosni.  Dejtonski sporazum je na prvo mjesto stavio mir i dao građanima šansu da se vrate u svoje domove i ponovno izgrade svoje živote nakon što su sve zajednice prošle kroz velike patnje za vrijeme užasnog rata.  Sporazumom je to omogućeno tako što je osigurana podjela vlasti između konstitutivnih naroda Bošnjaka, Srba i Hrvata.  Primarni cilj Dejtonskog sporazuma bio je da posluži kao okvir za očuvanje mira, za izgradnju povjerenja i pomirenja, te da omogući tranziciju zemlje ka efikasnom, funkcionalnom i demokratskom društvu.


Dejtonski sporazum ispunjava to osnovno obećanje, ali građani Bosne i Hercegovine zahtijevaju, zaslužuju i spremni su za više.  Za vrijeme putovanja širom zemlje čujem od građana, mladih ljudi i poduzetnika iz svih djelova zemlje jasan zahtjev: oni žele budućnost bez podjela i manipulacija, budućnost koja će svim građanima dati šansu da ostvare svoj puni potencijal.


Budućnost koju želi velika većina građana, posebno omladine, jeste Bosna i Hercegovina koja je sastavni dio evro-atlantske zajednice zemalja.  Međutim, zbog toga što napredak blokiraju politike podjela i korupcija, BiH nastavlja da gubi svoj najveći resurs – njeni očajni građani napuštaju zemlju.  Neki sadašnji bh. lideri otvoreno izražavaju sumnju u sopstvenu sposobnost da vode zemlju ka budućnosti koju građani žele.  Mnogi odbijaju da zemlju vode u pravom smjeru.  S druge strane, ja imam potpuno povjerenje u potencijal građana, posebno mladih, da odrede kurs i da osiguraju da narednih 25 godina bude period istinskog napretka.  To neće biti jednostavno, ali vi imate priliku da aktivno učestvujete u izgradnji Bosne i Hercegovine koja će bit inkluzivna, prosperitetnija zemlja, punopravna članica evro-atlantske zajednice zemalja.  Vjerujte u BiH!  Vjerujte u potencijal koji EU i NATO jasno vide u vama i vašoj zemlji.


Namjena Dejtonskog sporazuma nikada nije bila da vječno traje, a njegove se manjkavosti moraju i mogu ispraviti.  Ljudi u Bosni i Hercegovini sada su izabrali evro-atlantski put kao najbolju nadu za bolju budućnost.  Taj pravac sadrži jasnu i ostvarivu mapu puta koja vodi ka promjenama.  “Reforme” mogu izgledati kao nešto što je van kontrole običnih građana – ali ja vas pozivam da razmislite o tome šta ključne reforme potrebne za kandidatski status EU koje podržava Program reformi NATO saveza u stvarnom životu znače za vas.


·         Integritet izbornog procesa: Vi i vaši sugrađani ste 15. novembra iskoristili moć da svojim glasovima promijenite budućnost.  Nakon više od deset godina, stanovnici Mostara će 20. decembra ponovo imati tu moć.  Vaš glas je samo vaš, ali postoje poznate manjkavosti koje ostavljaju prostor za krađu vaših glasova.  Godina 2021. je godina za primjenu međunarodnih standarda za integritet izbornog procesa da biste mogli računati na moć koju vaš glas ima na izborima.


·         Vladavina zakona: oni koji nastoje da iskoriste bh. institucije za lično bogaćenje i ostanak na vlasti nisu zainteresovani da naprave osnovne korake da bi se povećao stepen odgovornosti prema vama kao građanima i biračima.  Bolji Zakon o javnim nabavkama, reforma javne uprave, zakonodavstvo u oblasti sukoba interesa i osiguranje integriteta Visokog sudskog i tužilačkog vijeća i cijelog pravosuđa osiguraće bolje javne usluge, manje favoriziranja zbog kojeg svi nemaju jednake šanse, te bolje i nepristrasnije pravosuđe.  Ovo su zakoni koji su hitno potrebni kako bi se napao rak koji se zove korupcija, a koji iscrpljuje BiH.


·         Zapošljavanje: državna preduzeća su neefikasna – to su politički bankomati koji pomažu eliti da kontroliše građane i njihove glasove na izborima, te da se obogati sredstvima koja pripadaju vama.  Ovim kompanijama nedostaje transparentnost, one guše privatni sektor i povećavaju javni dug.  Radi dugoročnog zdravlja bh. ekonomije ključna je depolitizacija ovih kompanija, kao i omogućavanje privatnom sektoru da pruži šansu svima.


Razni izvještaji, sudske presude i nedavno Mišljenje EU jasno opisuju reforme koje su BiH potrebne kako bi se riješile sistemske neefikasnosti koje sprečavaju ekonomski rast i upravljanje.  Da bi doživjeli svoju sudbinu unutar EU, bh. građani i izabrani lideri moraju pokrenuti dijalog i postići širok konsenzus o ustavnoj reformi.  Dijalog mora zamijeniti retrogradne, nazadne politike koje se hrane poticanjem sukoba, nesporazuma i očaja, politike koje odlučno odbacuju međunarodni partneri i prijatelji BiH, čemu smo svjedočili prije samo nekoliko dana.  Reforme na putu ka EU osiguraće da BiH bude stabilan i siguran dom za tri konstitutivna naroda – i da se poštuju prava svih građana, uključujući sve ostale.  BiH je jedna država i samo u njoj takvoj, njeni građani mogu uživati prednosti članstva u EU – vrijeme je da vas etno-nacionalistički lideri prestanu obmanjivati da je moguće nešto drugo i da prestanu sijati sjeme podjele čime blokiraju neophodne korake koji će vas odvesti u EU.  Oni su manjina koja ima koristi od statusa kvo, tj. od nastavka podjela.


Također je vrijeme da se sagleda uloga NATO saveza u osiguranju mira u BiH i uzme u obzir jednostavan princip koji je temelj Alijanse: sigurnost, stabilnost i prosperitet najlakše se postižu svrsishodnom saradnjom.  Teške reforme postaju jednostavnije kada u pomoć pozovete 30 saveznica iz NATO alijanse.  Partnerstvo BiH sa NATO savezom i Reformski program zemlje fokusirani su na reforme koje dotiču sve razine društva – od modernizacije sektora odbrane, do oblasti vladavine zakona.  BiH će predvoditi ova reformska nastojanja, a Alijansa je spremna da pomogne.  Također možete i dalje računati na NATO kada je riječ o bezbjednosti, te pružanju pomoći u vrijeme pandemije i prirodnih nepogoda.


Sjedinjene Države ostaju uz vas i podržaće vaša nastojanja da ostvarite napredak.  Dvije milijarde dolara pomoći od Sjedinjenih Država u proteklih 25 godina u vidu podrške demokratizaciji i ekonomskom rastu dokaz su tog predanog prijateljstva.  Zamjenik državnog sekretara Biegun i vršilac dužnosti pomoćnika državnog sekretara za Evropu i Aziju Reeker su na sastanku sa Predsjedništvom BiH 20. novembra još jednom potvrdili da Sjedinjene Države vide potencijal u BiH i njenim građanima.


Na kraju, supervizija od strane građana ove zemlje treba da zauzme mjesto međunarodne supervizije.  Žalosna stvarnost je da BiH još nije ispunila uspostavljene kriterije za okončanje međunarodne supervizije.  U svojoj oktobarskoj poruci bh. građanima naglasio sam da vi morate biti pokretači promjena.  Kapaciteti udruženja građana i civilnog društva značajni su i mogu zahtijevati odgovarajuću posvećenost od izabranih lidera.  Mladi ljudi iz ove zemlje ne žele da ostanu zatočeni u prošlosti.  BiH 2030. godine im je mnogo važnija i interesantnija nego BiH 1995. godine.  Zajedno, građani BiH imaju moć da osiguraju da BiH zauzme svoje mjesto kao stabilna i prosperitetnija članica evro-atlantske zajednice zemalja.  Vrijeme je da se gradi BiH zasnovana ne samo na miru, nego na vladavini zakona i međusobnom poštovanju svih naroda i svih žrtava proteklih ratova.  Pozajmiću riječi visokog predstavnika EU za vanjsku i sigurnosnu politiku, Borrella – građani imaju moć ostvariti napredak BiH “od Dejtona do Brisela”, što je najizvjesniji put do prosperiteta i sigurnosti za sve.




Building on 25 Years of Peace 


As Bosnia and Herzegovina marks 25 years of peace, guaranteed by the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), it is time to not only assess progress since the DPA, but more importantly to look to the future.   


The DPA confirmed the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a state.  It enabled the creation of institutions fundamental to a functional state, such as the multi-ethnic Armed Forces of BiH, of which each citizen can be proud.  The DPA put peace first and gave citizens a chance to return to their homes and rebuild their lives after each community had suffered so much during the terrible war.  It did so by ensuring power-sharing between the Bosniak, Serb and Croat constituent peoples.  The DPA’s primary goal was to serve as a framework to retain the peace, to build trust and reconciliation, and also to enable the country’s transition into an efficiently functioning, democratic society.     

The DPA continues to fulfill that basic promise, but the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina demand, deserve and are ready for more.  In my travels across the country, I hear clear demands from citizens, young people and entrepreneurs from throughout the countrya future free of division and manipulation offering opportunity for all citizens to reach their full potential.   

The future sought by the large majority of citizens, especially youth, is a Bosnia and Herzegovina embedded in the Euro-Atlantic community.  As progress is blocked by divisive politics and corruption, however, BiH continues to hemorrhage its greatest resource as despondent citizens abandon the country.  Some of BiH’s current leaders openly express doubts of their ability to lead the country to the future citizens want. Many refuse to move the country in the right direction. On the other hand, I have full faith in the potential of citizens, especially youth, to chart that course and make the next 25 years a time of clear progress.  It will not be easy, but you have the opportunity to take an active role in making Bosnia and Herzegovina an inclusive, more prosperous and fully-fledged member of the Euro-Atlantic community.  Believe in BiH!  Believe in the potential that the EU and NATO clearly see in you and your country.   

The DPA was never intended to be indefinite and its flaws need to be and can be corrected.  The people of Bosnia and Herzegovina now choose the Euro-Atlantic path as the best hope for a better future.  That path has a clear and achievable roadmap for change.  “Reform” can seem something beyond the control of ordinary citizens – but I encourage you to think in terms of what key reforms needed for EU candidate status and supported by NATO’s Program of Reforms mean for you in real terms.   

·         Election Integrity: On November 15, you and fellow BiH citizens exercised power to change the future with your votes.  On December 20, after more than a decade, Mostar citizens will have that power restored.  Your vote is yours, but there remain known vulnerabilities which leave room for others to steal your vote.  2021 is the time to implement international election integrity standards so that you can count on the power of your vote. 

·         Rule of Law:  Those who seek to use BiH institutions to enrich themselves and to remain in power have no interest in taking basic steps to improve accountability to you as citizens and voters.  A better public procurement lawpublic administration reformconflict of interest legislation and bringing integrity to the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council and the entire judiciary will bring better public services, less cronyism robbing you of equal opportunity, and improved and more impartial justice delivery.  These are among the laws urgently needed to attack the cancer of corruption debilitating BiH.   

·         Employment:  State-owned enterprises are inefficient, political cash cows that help elites control citizens and their votes and enrich themselves with the resources that belong to you.  These companies lack transparency, stifle the private sector, and add to public debt.  It is essential for the long-term health of the BiH economy to depoliticize these companies and unleash the private sector to create opportunity for all.                

Various reports, court rulings, and most recently, the EU Opinion spell out the reforms BiH needs to address systemic inefficiencies that impede economic growth and governance.  To reach its EU destiny, BiH’s citizens and elected leaders need to engage in dialogue to reach broad-based consensus on constitutional reform.  Dialogue must replace retrograde and backward policies that thrive on inducing conflict, misunderstandings and desperation, policies that are resolutely rejected by BiH's international partners and friends, as we have witnessed only a few days ago. The reforms on the EU path will ensure that BiH is a stable and secure home for the three constituent peoples -- and that the rights of all citizens, including all others, are honored.  BiH is a single state and only as such can its people benefit from EU membership – it is time for ethno-nationalist leaders to stop misleading you that it can be otherwise and sowing division to block the steps needed to carry you there.  They are the few benefitting from the status quo of continuing division.   

This is also a time to take stock of the role that NATO played in securing the peace in BiH, and the simple principle underpinning the Alliance:  security, stability, and prosperity are best achieved through meaningful cooperation.  Difficult reforms become easier when you invite the 30 Allies of NATO to help.  BiH’s partnership with NATO and its own Reform Program focuses on reforms that touch all levels of society, from defense modernization to rule of law.  BiH will lead these reform efforts, but the Alliance stands ready to help.  You can also continue to count on NATO to ensure security and assist in times of pandemic and natural disaster. 


The United States continues to stand by you to support your efforts to achieve progress.  The $2 billion in assistance from the United States in the last 25 years to support democratization and economic growth a testament of that committed friendship.  Deputy Secretary Biegun and Acting Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Reeker’s November 20 meeting with the BiH Presidency reaffirmed the promise the United States sees in BiH and its citizens.    

Ultimately, citizen supervision should replace international supervision.  The unfortunate reality is that BiH has not yet met the established criteria to graduate from international supervision.  I highlighted in my October message to BiH citizens that you must be the agents of change.  Citizen and civil society capacity is formidable and can demand appropriate commitment from elected leaders.  Young people of this country do not want to remain mired in the past.  The BiH of 2030 is far more important and interesting to them than the BiH of 1995.  Collectively, citizens have the power to ensure that BiH takes its place as a stable and more prosperous member of the Euro-Atlantic community.  It is time to build a BiH based not only on peace, but on rule of law and mutual respect for all peoples and all victims of past wars.  Borrowing the words of EU HRVP Borrell, citizens have the power to realize BiH progress “from Dayton to Brussels”, the most certain path to prosperity and security for all.   


  1. Respected Sir/Madame,

    We write this as citizens of Bosnia and members of TANGO Community. We hope you’ll find the time to read it and take it into account.

    Dayton Peace Agreement was created ONLY to stop the war. The expectations were that the parties would further find and reach agreements and continue to develop the country together. It is not clear where these expectations came from, they were really never entirely reasonable. However, this is the case and of course the opposite happened: the aggressors continued to do everything possible to achieve in peace what they failed to do in the war, while our generals and participants in the liberation struggles lay in Serbian prisons, go to The Hague where it is proven that there is no basis. How many of our people were arrested without cause in European countries, only to be released after severe harassment in the courts? What if the Germans started to accuse British, French or American soldiers for the Germans killed in World War II? That happened to us. Why? Parties that fought wars, killed innocent people, women, old men and children, forced them into camps, tortured, beat, starved, raped, burned many villages and houses together with entire families in them, slaughtered queues of women and people and children that river Drina flowed bloody, only with the aim of destroying Bosniaks (citizens of Bosnia who did not agree with their opinions, mostly Muslims, but not only Muslims) and keeping the territories of the state of Bosnia for themselves and only for 'their' people (Croatian and Serbian), they are now given to run the country as members of the presidency. Thus they have the opportunity to impede any progress and all that is good and useful for the country in the interest of ‘their own’. Now we have the protruding tentacles of Serbia and Croatia who are trying with all their might and means to achieve goals that thy failed to achieve with the war. Relationships and the situation are such that every day they progress in this objective, because the aggressor was not punished, but has been encouraged by your actions for decades, and he is still encouraged to continue his plan, despite what Dayton Peace Agreement guarantees Bosnia. What they could not do with the war, now the EU and the world allow and help them to achieve now. How is this not a war? Is Dayton Peace Agreement ironically titled? A large number of convicted or unconvicted war criminals walk freely in Serbia and Croatia, even receive decorations, and have monuments made for them. In schools, young people do not learn about Bosnia and Herzegovina, they are taught about Croatia and Serbia. They do not learn about crimes so that it doesn’t happen again and so that they are not likely to repeat such evils, but the opposite; this is how new generations of aggressors and crimes are prepared. Bosniaks are not allowed to learn their language in Bosnia. Bosniaks do not return to those areas because they face various forms of harassments, suspensions, obstacles and such. The Bosniak people are in the worst position because everything is blocked, yet in a democracy, it is our duty to care for the minorities because we are the majority in Bosnia. And we want to take care of all citizens of Bosnia, but Dayton won’t let us, because Dayton is undemocratic.

    Everyone agrees that Dayton is an unjust peace. Why then does everyone keep it as a sacred letter? It was not passed by the constitution or a referendum. The constitution and the referendum of the people of BiH, the results of which were accepted by the entire world community and the state of BiH as a whole sovereign country with equal rights for all who live in it, are being ignored. Dayton has no foothold not to be annulled and replaced by a constitution or referendum decision, which are stronger confirmations and the direction in which the people of the country want and need to go.


  2. The EU and the world, especially America, which imposed this on us, have watched and are watching all the events in BiH and were not and are not doing anything. During the war, we even endured an embargo so we could not defend ourselves. You have supported and continue to support the aggressors and those who do everything against the state in which they live and from which they receive money, only to destroy it, to join its territory with Serbia/Croatia. These countries are openly interfering in the internal affairs of BiH and no one is reacting. They openly slander and say that they hate BiH, and no one reacts. They celebrate and honour war criminals convicted at an international court. They appeal through the neighbouring states and in they lobby for their interest. Serbs are more open about it, while Croats veil it, under a good mask, behind which is the smiling face of Plenković. Everything is done under the pretext that it is for the good of others, for the good of the people, the state, for our quick entry into the EU. Plenković has many opportunities and uses each of them to convince EU members that it is necessary for the survival of BiH that Croats have even more power in BiH (how does this make sense to anyone?) than they have now, and now they have far more than they should and to the detriment of all other minorities. Nobody even mentions it. It is also mentioned that politics in BiH is 'too Bosniak'. And what should it be like? Croatian? Serbian? While we are trying to ensure that all citizens have at least a few rights in their country, in BiH, you are trying your best to please the aggressors of BiH. You support the deniers of genocide, and the one who denies genocide is ready to commit it again. And then you are still surprised that the citizens of BiH do not get involved. What do you want them to get involved in when every normal decision is a cause for criticism? We love our country and we will not be on the side of the aggressors or on the side of those who deny genocide. It’s amazing that you request it of us. Croats are asking to have a representative, they already have it, and everywhere. They have representatives upon representatives. They MUST be represented whether they are capable or not. Many are employed in high positions, receiving fantastic salaries, just because they are Croats. It doesn't matter that they don't know how to do their job. This then affects others as well. And this is not enough for Croats, they are asking for more, they want the election law to be changed under the pretext of applying the decision of the International Court regarding the Sejdić-Finci case. This is just an excuse that masks well the real reason and goal, and the EU and the world councillors do not delve into, as if they do not know.

    Now we’re told that we should not look back but forward. An old proverb says: WHO DOES NOT LEARN FROM THE PAST HAS NO HOPE FOR THE FUTURE - history is the best teacher of life. We have to speak up. The victims are still alive, witnesses are speaking, and yet the enemies are already spreading lies about what happened and how. What will they say when the witnesses die? We have shown that we are able to forgive, we do not hate, but we must not forget. As long as there is Republika Srpska, which raises generations that have now grown into adults, and teaches them that the Serbs ‘liberated’ Republika Srpska (even though it didn’t even exist) and that it is the merit of their 'heroes' and ancestors, there can be no peace, because there is no justice or even truth. And it’s the same as long as Ćović, through Plenković, tries to create a third entity and suspends various decisions in the state for this purpose, this is nothing more than the same as the Serbs are doing. ...

  3. These latter ones are doing it openly, while the former insidiously. Serbia is a cancerous wound for the entire Balkans with its ambitions, and Croatia is a hidden poison with same effect. Bosnia is not powerful (Dayton gave too much power in Bosnia to Croatia and Serbia) and we do not want conflict and war, yet you are silent, even though EU also signed the Dayton and promised to help keep the country safe from invasion and attacks. One gets the impression that we Bosniaks committed all these atrocities and not others, because they tell us that we need to give in, lose part of our sovereignty. We've given up TOO much so far. We have relented unreasonably and it is a shame that you are asking even more of us. Where else was the aggressor allowed to conduct and defer the conditions? So it was during Dayton, so it is now.

    Then from the Croatian side, but also from the Croatian government, they openly say that they will not allow BiH to be an ordinary, democratic state. Has this been allowed anywhere in the EU? How is it that Croatia is permitted even an opinion on what kind of state BiH will be? Why don't Bosniaks in Croatia elect a president for all Croats, like Croats do in Bosnia? Because we are not as insidious as they are. We are good people. Why do you not appreciate our goodness, but succumb to the lies of those who have been abusing their religion for centuries to win you against us. This rush to change the election law is just a tactic, you certainly understand that. It has nothing to do with minorities in BiH. This is just a move to weaken BiH and take what belongs to Bosnia. Nowhere in the white world is there a country with three presidents. And as we try to unravel this chaos, you are helping them create more chaos. It is impossible to lead a country in such a way. Enough of giving them so much power. You have imposed on us this system in which they have abnormal power, then you support them, and now you want us to do the same even though you see that they are seeking absurdity after absurdity, and they already have too much. Why don't you all have such laws in you countries and two or three presidents to come to an agreement, presidents who are against your country and support the neighbouring countries that attacked you? Nobody has it anywhere. That is why the country cannot progress in any way, because it is hampered and being destroyed from both sides. You are silent on all this and you approve and support it. Let the whole Earth shake and tell you ENOUGH! ENOUGH! ENOUGH! NO MORE! Let us live.

    That is why we ask you not to allow 'Palestine' to be formed in the middle of Europe. Please abolish this madhouse with three presidents, abolish the word ‘constituent’ people because this chaos is the consequence of those. And help our wonderful country and its good people to live a dignified life in their homeland and not as hostages of neighbours. Yes, and we are hostages of neighbouring countries, you have approved and support them to keep us captive. This country deserves to be like other countries and to develop because it has a unique soul and heart with all its mixed peoples and cultures. It has always been like that. BiH is the pearl of Europe, save this pearl to adorn the whole of Europe and the world.

  4. Nó thực sự hiệu quả và tôi tự hào khi chứng kiến ​​nó. Tôi đã xem bài đăng về cách cô ấy lấy lại người đàn ông của mình thông qua DR WIGHT. Anh đã giúp cô lấy lại chồng cũ. Em đã ly hôn cách đây 2 năm để chung sống với người đàn ông khác và em đang cố gắng để cô ấy ra đi nhưng không được nên em đang cố gắng làm nhiều cách để cô ấy quay lại thì cô ấy sẽ không quay lại với em. Một ngày nọ, tôi truy cập diễn đàn để biết các mẹo phục hồi và có một người phụ nữ làm chứng về cách DR WIGHT đã giúp cô ấy lấy lại người đàn ông của mình sau khi anh ta trói mình bằng bùa chú của một người phụ nữ khác và DR WIGHT đã giúp cô ấy. Bắt đầu chưa bao giờ tin vào việc tâm linh, miễn cưỡng thử, anh ấy tuyệt vọng, tôi liên lạc với anh ấy và giải thích vấn đề của tôi cho anh ấy, điều ngạc nhiên nhất của tôi, DR WIGHT đã giúp tôi tìm thấy người phụ nữ của mình sau 2 ngày và bây giờ mối quan hệ của tôi là hoàn hảo. như đã hứa. Việc khôi phục vĩnh viễn Ex không chỉ mang lại người bạn yêu mà còn kết hợp cảm xúc của những người đang yêu với việc bạn đang hạnh phúc với người đó. Người phụ nữ của tôi bây giờ đối xử với tôi như một vị vua và luôn nói rằng cô ấy yêu tôi. Nếu bạn đang gặp khó khăn trong mối quan hệ của mình, hãy LIÊN HỆ VỚI ANH ẤY WhatsApp / Gọi cho anh ấy theo số +17168691327
    hoặc EMAIL:

  5. Ja sam srebrni iz Garmana, oženio sam se prije 8 godina bez djeteta, očajnički sam tražio rješenje jer mi je liječnik rekao da ne mogu zatrudnjeti, ali me je jedna prijateljica uputila do čarobnjaka koji se zove dr White, a ja objasnio mu je moje probleme i obećao je da će sa mnom sve biti u redu za 12 dana, dao mi je neke upute koje sam sve napravio savršeno, otišao sam u bolnicu na testiranje i potvrdili su mi da sam trudna 1 tjedan, a sada imam moj lijepi sine i ja također sada imam drugu trudnoću, sve zahvaljujući vama doktore White, obratite mu se za svakojako rješenje,

    1) ako želite vratiti bivšeg.
    2) ako želite da čarolija zatrudni.
    3) ako želite zaustaviti pobačaj.
    4) ako želite da vas netko voli.
    5) čarolija za liječenje svih vrsta bolesti ili bolesti.
    I drugi.
    on je najbolji i vrlo iskren. WhatsApp: +17168691327

  6. Čitam svjedočanstva o prekrasnoj magiji dr. apata o tome kako je mnogima pomogao da vrate bivše ljubavnike u roku od 48 sati, iskreno, samo sam se pitao je li to stvarno i može li ovaj čovjek stvarno pomoći vratiti mog ljubavnika kojeg te toliko volim. Odlučila sam mu se obratiti jer jako volim svog dečka i bili smo razdvojeni nekoliko mjeseci. Jako mi je nedostajao, pokušala sam na sve načine da ga vratim, ali nisam uspjela. Kontaktirao sam dr. alaba i rekao mi je da ce se moj bivsi vratiti u narednih 48 sati, dr. apata me pita koliko ga volim i zelim. Otvorio je oči i zamislio koliko toga imamo zajedničkog. Moj bivši je sada sa mnom. Dok pišem ovo svjedočanstvo, ja sam najsretnija djevojka na svijetu, a moj dečko i ja živimo sretan život i naša je ljubav sada jača nego što je bila prije našeg prekida. Sve hvala dr. Apati za pretjerani posao koji je učinio za mene pomažući mi da se vratim svom bivšem dečku. Želio bih ostaviti e-mail adresu dr.Apata i nadam se da ćete vidjeti ovo svjedočanstvo i kontaktirati ga ako imate ljubavnika kojeg stvarno želite vratiti tako jako, njegov mail: Također možete pošaljite mu Whatsapp i viber na ovaj broj +1(425) 477-2744


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