Izrađujte stvari, povezujte ljude, riskirajte!/Build Things, Connect People, Take Risks!

Izrađujte stvari, povezujte ljude, riskirajte!

Diljem svijeta se ova sedmica obilježava kao Sedmica poduzetništva.  Provode se aktivnosti s ciljem podrške i motiviranja naredne generacije inovatora, pronalazača i vlasnika kompanija.  Mladi poduzetnici svoje ideje predstavljaju na „startup“ događajima; iskusni poduzetnici drže predavanja i podučavaju naredne generacije; edukatori, studenti i kompanije fokusiraju se na važnost pružanja podrške poduzetništvu radi ekonomskog razvoja.  Ovi poduzetnici stvaraju, povezuju ljude i preuzimaju rizik.  Što je najvažnije za BiH, poduzetnici u svim oblastima otvaraju radna mjesta i pomažu privredni rast.  U ovom trenutku poduzetnici su ti koji osnivaju mala preduzeća koja doprinose modernim kapitalističkim ekonomijama – a ne preduzeća u državnom vlasništvu.  Srećom, u ovoj zemlji ima uspješnih poduzetnika koji su spremni uraditi više.  Evo zašto ćemo ih podržati i kako to planiramo uraditi.

Suština poduzetništva nije samo u tradicionalnoj definiciji ove aktivnosti da se neko pojavi sa idejom i pokrene firmu.  Ovdje se radi o “poduzetničkom duhu” koji podrazumijeva inovativnost, spremnost na rješavanje problema i traženje novih rješenja.  Radi se o kreativnom razmišljanju u vezi sa izazovima sa kojima se suočavamo i rješavanju problema na načine koje ranije nismo razmatrali.  Poznati američki poduzetnik Peter Corbett je prvi put posjetio BiH proteklog mjeseca.  Jedan od savjeta koji je dao studentima i poslovnim ljudima sa kojima se sastao bio je da umjesto nastojanja da identificiraju jednu veliku ideju, trebaju početi tako što će identificirati problem pa se potom fokusirati na njegovo rješavanje.  Iznalaženje rješenja i hrabrost da se preuzme rizik da bi se nešto postiglo je ono što definira poduzetnika 21. stoljeća.

Mladi Bosanci i Hercegovci poput Anele i Ilde su ti koji predstavljaju ovaj duh.  One su učenice trećeg razreda Međunarodne srednje škole u Tuzli i ušle su u finale Googleovog svjetskog znanstvenog sajma.  Predstavile su ideju za proizvodnju biodizela i materija za skladištenje hidrogena od kokošijeg perja.  Od kokošijeg perja!  Ovaj duh predstavlja i Emir Memišević, pčelar i poduzetnik koji prati zdravlje i proizvodnju pčelinjih košnica koji se takmičio na Šestom svjetskom samitu poduzetnika u Nairobiju u Keniji na kojem je učestvovao predsjednik Obama. 

Tehnološki i startup inkubatori poput INTERA-e u Mostaru, ICBL-a u Banjaluci i Hub-a 387 u Sarajevu također razvijaju duh poduzetništva i njeguju osjećaj pripadništva zajednici za poduzetnike, te su inspiracija budućim inovatorima.  Kompanija “Networks” stvara ekosistem za poduzetnike u kojem se nalazi centar za obuku, laboratorija za inovacije i smještaj za startup kompanije.  Konačno, uvjerena sam da će Vijeće mladih naše Ambasade, čiji su članovi mladi talentovani ljudi iz svih sektora i dijelova BiH, predvoditi generaciju koja će mladima u BiH osigurati bolje obrazovanje i bolje mogućnosti zapošljavanja.

Željela bih da se ovaj “duh poduzetništva” njeguje u svim sferama života u BiH – u politici, obrazovanju, kulturi i privredi.  Ali, šta to znači u praktičnom smislu?  To znači da ako ste srednjoškolac kojeg muči neko pitanje u školi, možete osnovati klub ili bilten sa kolegama iz škole i podići svijet o ovom pitanju, te predložiti rješenja.

To znači da ukoliko ste student koji želi bolja predavanja ili dodatne resurse, onda se organizujete da bi se posvetila pažnja tom pitanju, pronašla sredstva, ili lobiralo kod profesora ili dekana da bi došlo do promjene.  To znači da ukoliko ste poslovan čovjek frustriran nekim poreskim pitanjem ili zakonom, formiraćete koaliciju poslovnih ljudi i lobista.  To znači da ukoliko ste mladi parlamentarac koji se bori da se vaš glas čuje ili da se usvoji vaša inicijativa, onda ćete formirati klub ili vaše pitanje promovirati putem medija i tako dobiti podršku.

Mogućnosti ima napretek, ali put je uvijek isti.  Poduzetnici preuzimaju inicijativu i ne čekaju da im problem riješi neko drugi, neki lider, ili naredna generacija.  Lako je biti pasivan i stalno se žaliti sa distance posebno kada se suočavate sa nečim što se čini kao nesavladiva prepreka, ali takav pristup je jedino garancija da će problemi ostati neriješeni.

Mi smo kao Ambasada opredijeljeni da podržavamo taj duh poduzetništva.  Kako bismo uradili svoj dio posla, podijeliću sa vama nekoliko stvari koje ćemo uraditi ove godine kako bismo pomogli:

Prvo – bili smo domaćini hack-a-thona u periodu od 6. do 8. novembra na kojem su mladi iz čitave BiH razvijali sjajne mobilne aplikacije koje će biti od koristi u njihovim zajednicama.  Evo šta su smislili: mobilne aplikacije koje će korištenje javnog prevoza učiniti predvidljivijim, unaprijediti način doniranja krvi u hitnim slučajevima, pomoći prilikom upozoravanja stanovništva na povišen nivo rijeka, te koristiti video igrice da bi mlade zaintrigirali za inženjerstvo.

Drugo – u BiH sada postoji nešto što se zove “Startup kup” – inicijativa koju finansira američki State Department da bi se pomoglo novim poduzetnicima; pobjednici će biti proglašeni za nekoliko sedmica. 

Konačno, ovdje u BiH ćemo zvanično najaviti početak projekta “Poduzetnik mjeseca,” nove inicijative koja će početi 2016. godine s ciljem odavanja priznanja poduzetnicima iz cijele BiH.

Putovala sam širom BiH i sastala se iznimno talentovanim ljudima koji su mi inspiracija – svi mi moramo podržati njihovu kreativnost i inovativnost.  Ne možete dozvoliti da oni i dalje budu frustrirani i da napuštaju zemlju, te da druge zemlje imaju koristi od bh. talenata.  Dok obilježavamo Sedmicu poduzetništva, razvijajmo duh poduzetništva. 

Obavežimo se da ćemo biti aktivni, a ne pasivni; da ćemo rješavati probleme, a ne samo ih identificirati; te da ćemo podržavati moguća rješenja umjesto da odbacujemo dobre ideje.  Čestitam svim poduzetnicima u BiH sa kojima sam se sastala i sa kojima ću se tek sastati – sanjarima, dizajnerima, inovatorima i pronalazačima – kao i svim onim koji teže da postanu poduzetnici i razmišljaju kako prevazići izazove sa kojima se ova zemlja suočava i koji će tek napraviti svoje prve korake.


Build Things, Connect People, Take Risks

All around the world this week people are celebrating Entrepreneurship Week.  They are participating in activities that support and inspire the next generation of innovators, inventors, and business owners.  Young entrepreneurs are pitching ideas at ‘startup’ events; seasoned entrepreneurs are giving lectures and mentoring the next generation; and educators, students, and businesses are focusing on the importance of fostering entrepreneurship for economic development. These entrepreneurs build things, they connect people, and they take risks. Most importantly for BiH, entrepreneurs in all areas are creating jobs and helping grow the economy.  Right now, they are starting small businesses that fuel modern capitalist economies - not state-controlled enterprises.  Luckily, this country has some successful entrepreneurs who are ready to foster more.  Here’s why and how we plan to support them.

Entrepreneurship is more than just the traditional definition of having an idea and starting a business. It is about an ‘entrepreneurial spirit' of innovation, of problem-solving, and of exploring possibilities. It is about thinking creatively about the challenges we face and solving problems in ways we haven’t considered.   Respected American entrepreneur Peter Corbett was in BiH for the first time last month.  One of the things he told students and business leaders he met was instead of trying to come up with that one big idea, they need to start by identifying a problem, then focus on how to go about addressing it.  Having a solution and the courage to take a risk trying to achieve something is what makes a 21st-century entrepreneur.

It’s young Bosnians like Anela and Ilda that capture this spirit.  They are 11th grade students at the International High School of Tuzla, and global finalists at the Google Science Fair.  They are presenting their idea for the production of hydrogen storage material and biodiesel fuel from chicken feathers.  Chicken feathers!  It’s Emir Memisevic, a beekeeper and entrepreneur who is working to track the health and production of bee hives, and competed at the 6th Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Nairobi, Kenya attended by President Obama.

It’s technology and startup incubators that capture this spirit like INTERA in Mostar, ICBL in Banja Luka, and Hub 387 in Sarajevo that are fostering a sense of community for entrepreneurs and inspiring future innovators.  It’s “Networks” that is creating an entire eco-system for entrepreneurs by housing a training center, innovation lab, and startup companies.  Finally, it’s our Embassy Youth Council, which consists of some of the most diverse and talented youth from around BiH - who I am confident will lead the generation that advances the education and employment needs of BiH youth.

I would like to see this ‘entrepreneurial spirit’ fostered in all spheres- political, educational, cultural, and economic - in BiH.  But, what does that mean practically? It means if you’re a high school student frustrated by some issue at your school, you start a club or a newsletter with fellow students and raise awareness and propose solutions.  

It means if you’re a university student who wants to improve a class or get additional resources, you organize awareness of the issues, fundraise, or lobby faculty or the dean for change. It means if you’re a business that is frustrated with a tax issue or law, you form a coalition of businesses and lobby leaders.  And, it means if you’re a young parliamentarian struggling to have your voice heard on an initiative you want passed, you form a caucus or raise your issue through the media to build support.

The possibilities are endless, but the key is always the same.  Entrepreneurs take initiative and don’t wait for the next person, or the next leader, or the next generation to solve an issue.  It’s easy to be passive and complain on the sidelines, especially when faced with what seems to be an insurmountable problem, but that attitude only ensures that issues will remain unsolved.

As an Embassy we are committed to fostering this spirit of entrepreneurship. And to make sure we are doing our part, I will share with you a few things we are doing this year to assist:

First, we hosted a hack-a-thon on November 6-8 where young people from across Bosnia and Herzegovina developed some great mobile applications with a community impact.  Here’s what they came up with: mobile applications that make  your ride on public transportation more predictable, improve the way critical blood donations are collected, help alert you to rising water levels on river banks, and use gaming to get young people excited about engineering.

Second, BiH now has a “Startup Cup” which is a U.S. State Department-funded initiative to help launch new entrepreneurs; winners will be announced in a few weeks. 

Finally, here in BiH, we will officially launch our ‘Entrepreneur of the Month,’ a new initiative that will start in 2016 to recognize entrepreneurs throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.

I have traveled all around BiH and met incredibly talented people who inspire me – all of us need to support their creativity and innovation.  You can’t afford to continue to let them get frustrated and leave the country, putting BiH talent at the service of other countries instead of your own.  As we celebrate in BiH Entrepreneurship Week, let’s foster this spirit of entrepreneurship. Let’s commit to being active instead of passive, to solving a problem rather than just identifying one, and to supporting possibilities rather than dismissing ideas.  Here’s to all the entrepreneurs in BiH whom I’ve met and whom I’ve yet to meet - the dreamers, designers, inventors, and innovators - and to all the aspiring ones out there who are thinking about how to address this country’s challenges, and who just need now to take that first step.


  1. Highly respected and beloved President Trump,

    "Christmas is the most prominent Christian holiday, the time of communion and understanding, family and friendship.
    In the spirit of the Christmas message that teaches us humility and solidarity, this time is a special opportunity to remind those who need our help and attention. Christmas days of optimism and hope invite us to promote Christian and universal human values and effectively engage in the common good.
    Let this feast of peace and joy be an additional incentive for mutual respect and respect for good partnership and partnership to continue building a modern and well-organized society.
    On behalf of the family and myself, to you, President Trump, your honored family and all Christian believers in the United States, and our fellow countrymen outside the homeland of Bosnia and Herzegovina, I wish you a happy and blessed Christmas! "You are welcome to us, Hadžimešić from Gorazde.


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