Prvi dojmovi i ključni prioriteti
Nakon prve sedmice u vašoj prekrasnoj zemlji, želim
sa vama podijeliti prva razmišljanja i ideje o tome kako očekujem da ćemo
zajedno raditi. U petak sam zvanično
postala američka ambasadorica u Bosni i Hercegovini predajom akreditiva
predsjedavajućem Predsjedništva, gospodinu Ivaniću. Radujem se saradnji sa njim, predsjednikom
Izetbegovićem, predsjednikom Čovićem, kao i sa ministrom vanjskih poslova
Hvala vam svima za iznimno toplu
dobrodošlicu. Dugo je trebalo da dođem,
ali imam osjećaj kao da sam, ustvari, došla u pravi trenutak. Formiraju se nove vlasti, a naši evropski
partneri još jednom pokazuju posvećenost da Bosnu i Hercegovinu približe
članstvu u EU. Pred nama je godina puna
izazova i puno posla treba uraditi.
Međutim, ovo je također godina u kojoj se obilježavaju važne godišnjice.
Ja ću se fokusirati na saradnju sa svima vama i
sa našim međunarodnim partnerima kako bi ova zemlja postala u potpunosti
funkcionalno i demokratsko društvo odgovorno građanima. U ponedjeljak sam posjetila Brisel i sastala
se sa ključnim akterima u Evropskoj Uniji i NATO savezu, koji su još jednom
potvrdili opredjeljenost da sarađuju s vama kako bi BiH postala dio tih
institucija. Vi znate da su SAD posvećene
da pomognu da BiH postane otvorena i progresivna demokratija, a ja želim raditi
sa svojim timom iz Ambasade da nađemo načina kako bismo pomogli ovoj zemlji da
iz faze stabilnosti pređe u fazu prosperiteta.
Zbog toga što vjerujemo da je za postizanje ovog cilja ključno da BiH
osnaži veze sa Zapadom, a ankete pokazuju da većina vas to želi, neću se
ustručavati da tražim od političkih lidera da ispune obećanja koja daju
evro-atlantskim institucijama i, što je još važnije, obećanja koja su dali
svojim građanima u vrijeme izbora.
Ne treba ni spominjati da je aktivni angažman
civilnog društva ključni dio takvih nastojanja.
Planiram uskoro početi putovati širom zemlje i razgovarati sa vama – da
čujem šta je to što vas brine, koja su vaša nadanja, i, što je najvažnije, da
pokušamo identificirati nove načine na koje možemo doprinijeti boljoj
budućnosti BiH. Kako bismo prešli put od
pukog preživljavanja do stvarnog napretka, poslovna i investiciona klima moraju
se poboljšati kako bi ljudi našli posao.
Da bi se to desilo, pojedinci i institucije u BiH se moraju ozbiljno
pozabaviti korupcijom, kao i politikom koja korupciju toleriše, te pravnim
sistemom koji okreće glavu od korupcije.
Ambasada ima nove programe za borbu protiv korupcije i to će biti tema
razgovora koje ću voditi sa svima – od najvažnijih lidera do vlasnika
trgovina. Ne samo da BiH mora olakšati pokretanje
novog biznisa, bilo da se radi o velikim firmama ili malim preduzećima, nego taj
proces mora biti koristan za sve.
Još jedna stvar o kojoj želim razgovarati sa
najširim mogućim auditorijumom je kako BiH može dodatno promovirati toleranciju
i bogatu raznolikost koje su temelj ove zemlje.
U tom smislu, čvrsto vjerujem da djeca treba da pohađaju školu zajedno i
da uče prema jedinstvenom planu i programu kako bi upoznali jedni druge i,
istovremeno, stekli vještine potrebne za konkretan doprinos budućnosti svoje
zemlje. Štaviše, želim učestvovati u
diskusijama o tome kako ići dalje od pukog prevazilaženja tradicionalnih nacionalnih
i etničkih podjela, uključujući i manjine i druge, ponekad marginalizovane
skupine u društvu. Moja majka je odrasla
na maloj farmi u ruralnom dijelu Amerike, a moj otac je odrastao u urbanoj
imigrantskoj sredini, a učili su me da zemlja mora iskoristiti raznolikost porijekla
i vrijednosti svih svojih građana da bi bila uspješna.
Kao zvanični predstavnik Vlade SAD, svakako ću
sarađivati sa institucijama i političkim liderima ove zemlje. Ali, na samom početku mog mandata u BiH,
želim naglasiti koliko ozbiljno računam na svakog građanina i civilno društvo u
rješavanju brojnih problema koji su pred nama.
Iz onoga što sam naučila o BiH i iz ogromnog iskustva mog tima u Ambasadi,
smatram da treba da posvetimo još više pažnje pružanju podrške velikom broju
talentovanih građana, intelektualaca, NVO i novinara koji imaju ključnu ulogu u
pozitivnim promjenama. Ne treba ih samo
hvaliti, treba im se pridružiti. Za mene
taj zadatak počinje u ponedjeljak – pratite moje aktivnosti.
Jedva čekam da se upoznamo, da čujem vaša
razmišljanja, snove i probleme, te da pomognem vaša nastojanja da BiH postane
zemlja u kojoj svi imaju šansu, kao što i treba biti. Želim posjetiti sve dijelove zemlje, upoznati
vas i osjetiti vašu bogatu i raznoliku kulturu.
I dok to budem radila, planiram i dalje koristiti ovaj prostor za
održavanje otvorenog dijaloga sa građanima BiH, kao što su radili i moji
prethodnici. Moja zemlja je istinski
prijatelj i saveznik BiH i ja namjeravam aktivno graditi naše odnose na tim
čvrstim temeljima.
Vidimo se uskoro!
Vidimo se uskoro!
First Impressions and Fundamental Priorities
As my first week in your fascinating country
comes to a close, I wanted to share with you my initial thoughts and ideas for
how I hope to work with you. On Friday, I was officially credentialed as
the U.S. Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina by the Chairman of the
Presidency, Mr. Ivanic. I look forward to working with him, President
Izetbegovic, President Covic, and Foreign Minister Lagumdzia as well.
Thank you for the enormously
warm welcome you have shown me here in BiH. It took me a while to get
here, but I feel that I may have actually come at just the right time.
New governments are being formed, and our European partners have renewed their
commitment to bringing BiH closer to EU accession. A year of challenges
is ahead of us and a lot needs to be done.
This is also, however, a year to look back and remember the important
anniversaries 2015 marks.
My focus will be on working with all of you, and with our international partners, to make this country a fully-functioning democracy accountable to its citizens. I stopped in Brussels last Monday and had meetings with key players at the European Union and NATO, who re-affirmed their commitment to working with you to bring Bosnia-Herzegovina into those institutions. You know that the U.S. is dedicated to helping BiH become an open and flourishing democracy, and I want to work with my Embassy team to find new ways to help this country move from mere stability to prosperity. Because we believe the key for BiH to accomplish that lies in stronger ties with the West, and polls show that most of you do too, I will not be shy in urging political leaders to honor promises they make to Euro-Atlantic institutions, but even more importantly, promises they made to their own citizens during the elections.
Needless to say, active civic engagement is an essential part of such efforts. As soon as I get settled, I want to travel around the country to hear from you -- hear your concerns, your hopes, and most importantly, identify innovative ways that we can help you insure a promising future for BiH. To progress down the path from merely surviving to actually thriving, the business and investment environment has to improve so people can get good jobs. For that to happen, individuals and institutions in BiH have to address the issue of corruption seriously, including a political culture that condones it and a legal system that looks the other way. The Embassy has new programs to target corruption, and it will be the subject of conversations I have with everyone from key leaders to shopkeepers. BiH needs to make it not only possible, but rewarding, for everyone – be it major companies or small start-ups - to open new businesses here.
Another discussion I want to have with the widest possible audience is about how Bosnia and Herzegovina can further embrace tolerance and the rich diversity that is the very foundation of this country. To that end, I strongly believe that children should all go to school together and study a common curriculum, so they learn about each other while mastering the skills they all need to make viable contributions to the future of their country. Furthermore, I want to take part in the discussion of how to go beyond merely breaking down traditional national and ethnic divides, to including minorities and others sometimes marginalized by society. My mother was raised on a small farm in rural America and my father grew up in an urban immigrant neighborhood, teaching me to appreciate that a country has to capitalize on the unique backgrounds and strengths of all of its citizens to succeed.
As the official representative of the United States Government, I will of course be working with this country’s institutions and political leaders. But I want to underscore at the very beginning of my tenure in BiH how seriously I am counting on individual citizens and civil society as we address numerous challenges that lie ahead. From what I have learned about BiH and the vast experience of my U.S. Embassy team, I believe we have to rededicate ourselves to supporting the many talented citizens, intellectuals, NGOs, and journalists who play a fundamental role in working towards positive change. Not merely applaud them, but join them. For me, that task starts Monday – stay tuned.
My focus will be on working with all of you, and with our international partners, to make this country a fully-functioning democracy accountable to its citizens. I stopped in Brussels last Monday and had meetings with key players at the European Union and NATO, who re-affirmed their commitment to working with you to bring Bosnia-Herzegovina into those institutions. You know that the U.S. is dedicated to helping BiH become an open and flourishing democracy, and I want to work with my Embassy team to find new ways to help this country move from mere stability to prosperity. Because we believe the key for BiH to accomplish that lies in stronger ties with the West, and polls show that most of you do too, I will not be shy in urging political leaders to honor promises they make to Euro-Atlantic institutions, but even more importantly, promises they made to their own citizens during the elections.
Needless to say, active civic engagement is an essential part of such efforts. As soon as I get settled, I want to travel around the country to hear from you -- hear your concerns, your hopes, and most importantly, identify innovative ways that we can help you insure a promising future for BiH. To progress down the path from merely surviving to actually thriving, the business and investment environment has to improve so people can get good jobs. For that to happen, individuals and institutions in BiH have to address the issue of corruption seriously, including a political culture that condones it and a legal system that looks the other way. The Embassy has new programs to target corruption, and it will be the subject of conversations I have with everyone from key leaders to shopkeepers. BiH needs to make it not only possible, but rewarding, for everyone – be it major companies or small start-ups - to open new businesses here.
Another discussion I want to have with the widest possible audience is about how Bosnia and Herzegovina can further embrace tolerance and the rich diversity that is the very foundation of this country. To that end, I strongly believe that children should all go to school together and study a common curriculum, so they learn about each other while mastering the skills they all need to make viable contributions to the future of their country. Furthermore, I want to take part in the discussion of how to go beyond merely breaking down traditional national and ethnic divides, to including minorities and others sometimes marginalized by society. My mother was raised on a small farm in rural America and my father grew up in an urban immigrant neighborhood, teaching me to appreciate that a country has to capitalize on the unique backgrounds and strengths of all of its citizens to succeed.
As the official representative of the United States Government, I will of course be working with this country’s institutions and political leaders. But I want to underscore at the very beginning of my tenure in BiH how seriously I am counting on individual citizens and civil society as we address numerous challenges that lie ahead. From what I have learned about BiH and the vast experience of my U.S. Embassy team, I believe we have to rededicate ourselves to supporting the many talented citizens, intellectuals, NGOs, and journalists who play a fundamental role in working towards positive change. Not merely applaud them, but join them. For me, that task starts Monday – stay tuned.
I look forward to getting to
know you, hearing your thoughts, dreams, and challenges, and fostering your
efforts to make Bosnia and Herzegovina the land of opportunity that it should
be. I want to work my way across the country to meet you and experience
your rich and diverse culture. As I do so, I plan to continue to use this
space to maintain an open dialogue with the people of BiH just as my
predecessors had. My country has been a
true friend and an ally of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and I intend to actively
build our relationship on that very strong foundation.
Vidimo se uskoro!
Vidimo se uskoro!
Welcome to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Greetings from Bihac... J. Lulic
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