Građanski protesti/The Citizens’ Protest

Građanski protesti

Ovih nekoliko prethodnih dana važni su za Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Vidjeli smo i čuli snažnu poruku koju su građani BiH uputili svojim liderima. Vrijeme je da se lideri na vlasti probude, da čuju legitimne pozive građana za reforme i da promjene kurs. U narednim danima od lidera u BiH očekujemo da osiguraju mir dok traže rješenja za stvarne probleme s kojima se suočavaju građani. Građani ove zemlje ne žele slušati istrošenu nacionalističku retoriku etničkih podjela, nego žele čuti kako njihovi lideri zajedno mogu postići teške kompromise koji su neophodni da bi Bosna i Hercegovina napredovala. SAD znaju da neophodne reforme mogu i treba da dođu iz institucija BiH i da moraju uvažavati suverenitet i teritorijalni integritet Bosne i Hercegovine, države koja se sastoji od dva entiteta i Distrikta Brčko.

Ove demonstracije izraz su zabrinutosti građana za njihovu budućnost i, da budemo iskreni, za osnovni, svakodnevni opstanak. Ekonomska i socijalna situacija nije dobra, ali to vam ne moram ja reći. To možete zaključiti gledajući starog penzionera koji drži mjesečni ček svoje mizerne penzije ili frustriranog mladog čovjeka koji je završio fakultet, a ne može naći ozbiljan posao. Građani imaju razloga da budu frustrirani i očajnički žele promjene.

Ono što se dešavalo u petak naveče, zgrade javnih institucija u plamenu, sukobi demonstranata i policije, uznemirilo je one koji su živjeli u nasilnoj prošlosti. Mi smo osudili nasilje, kao što je to učinila i velika većina demonstranata.  Kao i drugi protestni pokreti, i ovaj prošlosedmični proizveo je brojna pitanja, zabrinutost i mnogo neizvjesnosti. Ono što je jasno i što je sramotno jesu pokušaji političkih lidera iz oba entiteta da zloupotrijebe legitimno pravo građana na demonstracije da bi podstaknuli strahove i etničke tenzije. I vi i ja smo, u proteklih nekoliko dana, čitali smeće u nekim novinama: (1) da su demonstracije pokušaj da se etničke grupe okrenu jedne protiv drugih tvrdnjama da će kantoni i entiteti biti ukinuti, (2) da bi Hrvati i Srbi trebalo da osjećaju opasnost od sugrađana koji traže manje korumpiranu, odgovorniju vlast, i (3) smiješne ideje da su demonstranti obučavani u inostranstvu i naoružavani od međunarodne zajednice da bi pokrenuli haos u BiH.

Ove lažne priče uvreda su za građane koji se istinski trude da ova zemlja napreduje uprkos preprekama koje je nametnula politička elita koja je izgubila dodir sa stvarnošću.  Ovi protesti se održavaju u određenim dijelovima zemlje, ali sa demonstrantima suosjećaju građani širom BiH.  Ove demonstracije ne pripadaju nikome, do građanima koji su se okupili u desecima manjih i većih gradova širom zemlje i pozivaju na političku odgovornost. Već smo to rekli, i opet ponavljamo, demonstracije su utjelovljenje odgovornosti građana u zdravoj demokraciji. Jasno je šta demonstranti traže. Umorni su od retorike podjela, nedjelovanja i izgovora. Umorni su od političara koji ih nikada ne slušaju, koji im lažu i ne nalaze rješenja za probleme. Demonstranti žele da ova zemlja bude funkcionalna. SAD žele to isto. To nije prevelik zahtjev.

Autor današnjeg bloga je otpravnik poslova Ambasade SAD-a u BiH Nicholas M. Hill.


The Citizens' Protest 

The past few days have been an important moment in BiH.  We have seen and heard a strong message from citizens of BiH to their leaders.  It is time for government leaders to wake up, to listen to citizens' very legitimate calls for reform, and to change course.  In the coming days, we expect BiH leaders to ensure the peace while they look for answers to the real problems facing their citizens.  The citizens of this country do not want to hear the outworn nationalist rhetoric of ethnic division, but how together their leaders can make the difficult compromises necessary to move BiH forward.  The U.S. knows the necessary reforms can and should come from within the institutions of BiH and must respect Bosnia and Herzegovina's sovereignty and territorial integrity, as a state composed of two entities and Brcko District. 

The protests are an expression of how concerned citizens are for their future, and to be frank, for their basic day-to-day survival.  The economic and social situation is not good, but you don’t have to hear that from me.  You can see it in the actions of the elderly pensioner holding up his meager monthly check or the frustrated, young university graduate unable to find serious work.  Citizens have a reason to be frustrated and they are desperate for change. 

Seeing public buildings go up in smoke, and clashes between protesters and police, Friday evening, was unsettling for people who have lived through a violent past.  We have condemned the violence as have the vast majority of protesters.  Like other protest movements, this past week has come with many questions, many concerns, and much uncertainty.  What is clear and shameful are attempts by political leaders in both entities to misuse the legitimate right of people to protest, to stir up fears and ethnic tensions.  You and I have read the rubbish in some newspapers over the past few days that (1) the protests are an effort to pit ethnic groups against each other by claiming that the cantons and entities will be eliminated, (2) Croats and Serbs should be threatened by their fellow citizens who are seeking less corrupt, more responsive government, and then (3) there are the ridiculous ideas that the protesters were trained abroad or are being armed by the international community to initiate chaos in BiH. 

These false narratives are an insult to citizens who are trying hard to move this country forward despite the roadblocks imposed by an out of touch political elite.  The protests may have been focused in some areas of the country, but the sentiment of protesters is shared by citizens throughout BiH.  No one can claim these protests but the citizens who have gathered in dozens of small and large towns all over the country to call for political accountability.  As we have stated in the past and will say again, protests are the embodiment of a citizen's responsibility in a healthy democracy.  The demonstrators have spoken clearly.  They are tired of divisive rhetoric, inaction, and excuses.  They are tired of politicians who never listen to them, lie to them, and do not find solutions to the issues.  They want this country to function.  The U.S. does as well.  This is not too much to ask.

Today’s blogger is Charge d'Affaires, a.i. Nicholas M. Hill.  
