Priča o demilitarizaciji odvlače pažnju od stvarnih prioriteta/Talk of Demilitarization Distracts from Real Priorities

Priča o demilitarizaciji odvlači pažnju od stvarnih prioriteta

Prije skoro dvije sedmice proslavili smo sedmu godišnjicu Oružanih snaga Bosne i Hercegovine, što me je podsjetilo na to koliko je bosanskohercegovačka vojska napredovala u tako kratkom periodu. Nažalost, i dalje slušamo priče o ukidanju Oružanih snaga i demilitarizaciji Bosne i Hercegovine. Navode se argumenti da Bosni i Hercegovini ne trebaju vojne snage i da su Oružane snage preskupe. Ovi navodi su obmanjujući i odvlače pažnju.

Oružane snage BiH postoje kao garancija sigurnosti i odbrane Bosne i Hercegovine.  Svaka zemlja ima obavezu obezbijediti sigurnost svojim građanima.  Efikasna vojska je ne samo državni interes, nego i regionalni. Svaka rasprava o veličini i strukturi Oružanih snaga bi se, prema tome, trebala odvijati u instituciji koja je vrhovni komandant i koja predstavlja sve građane BiH - u Predsjedništvu.  I prije sam govorio, ali reći ću opet: Oružane snage zaslužuju podršku i divljenje svih građana BiH. Od odvojenih vojski sa odvojenom komandnom strukturom, danas imamo Oružane snage koje su se razvile  u integrisanu instituciju koja obezbjeđuje sigurnost svim građanima BiH, bez obzira na njihovu etničku pripadnost, pomaže civilno stanovništvo u vrijeme elementarnih nepogoda i doprinosi međunarodnoj stabilnosti, miru i sigurnosti.  Svojim doprinosom u Avganistanu, Iraku i drugdje, Bosna i Hercegovina je od zemlje kojoj je potrebna međunarodna vojna pomoć postala zemlja koja daje doprinos međunarodnom miru.  Ovakvi angažmani su model kako bi vojska BiH mogla izgledati u budućnosti – profesionalna, moderna, etnički integrisana i fokusirana na doprinos međunarodnim mirovnim misijama.    

Proces reforme odbrane koji je ujedinio vojne snage BiH i stvorio instituciju koja funkcioniše danas proveden je u potpunosti u skladu sa zakonima ove zemlje i imao je podršku svih političkih stranaka. Doista je ironično i čudno da su oni koji su danas među najglasnijim zagovornicima demilitarizacije samo prije nekoliko godina pružali najsnažniju podršku integrisanim vojnim snagama. Tačno je da procesreforme nije još ni izdaleka okončan i da Ministarstvo odbrane može biti efikasnije.  Mi smo, sa Ministarstvom odbrane, angažovani na pružanju podrške ovim naporima. 

Ali, nekim reformama je potrebno liderstvo izvan Ministarstva odbrane.  Na primjer, rješavanje pitanja vojne imovine bi smanjilo rasipanje vrijednih resursa  vojske BiH angažovanih na čuvanju nepotrebne imovine.  Nastavak dobre dinamike uništavanja zastarjele i opasne municije, što zahtijeva promišljene političke odluke, također je od ključne važnosti -  time ne samo da se bh. građanima obezbjeđuje sigurnost, nego se dodatno smanjuju i izdaci Ministarstva.  Konačno, politički lideri BiH se trebaju dogovoriti oko konkretnih uloga i kapaciteta vojnih snaga ove zemlje i osigurati pravilno balansiranje resursa kako bi se to postiglo.

Ovaj se proces neće i ne treba odvijati preko noći.  Ali, građani BiH, uz pomoć međunarodne zajednice, su mudro uložili u izgradnju ove institucije. Umjesto priča o demilitarizaciji, politički lideri se trebaju fokusirati na nastavak pružanja podrške kontinuiranom razvoju Oružanih snaga BiH u modernu, efikasnu, integrisanu i profesionalnu silu kakvu zaslužuju građani BiH.

Talk of Demilitarization Distracts from Real Priorities

 Nearly two weeks ago we celebrated the 7th anniversary of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and I was again reminded of how far the BiH military has come in a such a short time.  Unfortunately, we keep hearing talk of abolishing the Armed Forces and demilitarizing Bosnia-Herzegovina.  The arguments used are that BiH does not need a military and that the Armed Forces cost too much.  These arguments are misleading and distracting. 

The BiH Armed Forces exist to guarantee the security and defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Each country is responsible for assuring the security of its citizens.  An effective military encompasses not only state, but also regional interests.  Any discussion on the size and shape of the Armed Forces should therefore be made by the institution that is the military’s Commander-in-Chief and which represents all BiH citizens – the Presidency.  I’ve said it before, but will say it again: the Armed Forces deserve the support and admiration of all BiH citizens.  From separate armies, with separate command structures, today the Armed Forces have grown into an integrated institution that provides security for all Bosnian citizens, regardless of their ethnicity, assists the civilian population in times of natural disasters, and contributes to international stability, peace, and security.  With its contributions in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere, Bosnia and Herzegovina has transformed from being a recipient of international security assistance to being a contributor to international peace.  These deployments are a model for what the BiH military could look like in the future – professional, modern, ethnically integrated and focused on contributing to international peacekeeping missions. 

The defense reform process that unified the BiH military and created the institution that exists today was done fully in line with the laws of this country and had the support of all political parties.  Indeed, it is ironic and odd that those who call loudest for demilitarization today were among the strongest supporters of the integrated armed forces only a few years ago.  It is true that the reform process is far from over and that the Ministry of Defense could be made more efficient.  We are engaged with the Ministry of Defense to support these efforts. 

But some reforms require leadership from outside the Ministry of Defense.  For example, resolving the defense property issue would free up the BiH military from wasting valuable resources on guarding unneeded property.  Continuing the good momentum on the disposal of obsolete and dangerous munitions, which requires judicious political decisions, is also crucial – it not only makes all BiH citizens safer, but would also further reduce the Ministry’s expenditures.  Finally, Bosnian political leaders need to come to an agreement on the specific roles and capabilities for this country’s military and assure that it has the right mix of resources to accomplish them. 

This process will not, and should not, occur overnight.  But the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the help of the international community, have wisely invested in building up this institution.  Rather than talking about demilitarization, the political leaders need to focus on continuing to support the continued evolution of the BiH Armed Forces into a modern, efficient, integrated, and professional force that BiH citizens deserve.  
